Join us for cocktail hour, dinner, science quiz (with prizes!), and presentation by Professor Vanessa Ezenwa at the 15th Annual Darwin Day Dinner.
Humans and animals are rarely infected with a single disease-causing organism at any one time; simultaneous infections are the norm. Historically, infectious diseases have been studied one at a time.
Since most hosts are routinely infected by more than one type of parasite, concurrent infection (or co-infection) has emerged as a key challenge for wildlife, veterinary, and human health. Interactions between parasites co-occurring within a single host have profound effects on infection outcomes ranging from disease severity and progression within individual hosts to patterns of disease spread across populations.
Dr. Ezenwa will discuss the study of concurrent infection and how this perspective is providing new insight into the spread and impact of infectious diseases.

Dr. Ezenwa received a B.A. in Biology from Rice University and a PhD in Ecology and Evolutionary Biology from Princeton University. She held faculty positions at the University of Montana and University of Georgia before moving to Yale in 2021 where she is a Professor in the Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology. Her research focuses on the ecology and evolution of infectious diseases in wild animal populations, with a specific focus on linking processes across scales—from cells to ecosystems.
Date: Saturday, February 11, 2023
Time: 6 pm Cocktail Hour, 7 pm Full Course Dinner
At: The Inn at Longshore, 260 Compo Road South, Westport, CT 06880
Price: $69 per person ($75 after February 6)
To register by mail, download the invitation:
If you cannot attend in person, you can attend via Zoom for a small fee. Zoom attendees will not be able to compete in the Science Quiz.